We use an app called Evidence for Learning (E4L) to record evidence of progress. Parents and carers can also upload evidence gathered outside school to create a broader picture of generalisation. In school, evidence is linked to learners' targets by Teachers or TAs. 

We assess throughout the school day, every day of the school year.

Evidence for Learning - YouTube

EHCP Outcomes

We formatively assess all learners against their individual EHCP outcomes (targets). Achievement of EHCP outcomes is as important as any targets we set for learners and they are personalised to the individual so can be very high impact. Outcomes are set to challenge students in a range of areas most important to them and agreed between professionals, parents, carers and students where possible.

Pathway targets

In the Yellow Pathway, we summatively assess progress in English, Maths and PSHE.

In the Green Pathway we assess against the 6 Pathway target areas (My Body, My Independence, My World etc).

In the Blue Pathway we assess against Routes for Learning targets and the Engagement model.


We assess reading skills in all Pathways.


Teachers and Department Leaders meet every half term to discuss individual students. During these conversations, we review the progress of each pupil and discuss ways to improve progress if it is faltering. Department Leaders feed these conversations back to the Head of School during their weekly support and challenge meetings.

We hold termly "Learner on the page" meetings with colleagues from Highfield Littleport to moderate the depth and quality of our assessments. 

Assessment Points 1 and 2

At two points in the year (Assessment Point 1- immediately after the first half term and Assessment Point 2 after the last half term break) we assess pupil progress against Pathway (curriculum) targets and record a judgement on reading. Teachers record judgements as either "Not Achieving", "Emerging", "Developing", "Secure" or "Exceeding".

Progress against EHCP outcomes is also assessed separately twice a year. This happens once at the annual review and again 6 months later. We assess progress against Long and Short Term Outcomes.

Overall Progress Reviews (1, 2 and 3)

In addition to assessing the degree to which learners are meeting targets, teachers also provide a judgement three times a year (see above) as to whether learners are making “below expected progress” “as expected progress” or “above expected progress”. These statements should be supported by the bank of evidence we have for each learner.


Teachers take a reading "snapshot" once per half term - analysing accuracy, fluency and comprehension as appropriate for each Pathway.