
Every school is required to report on the same set of data each year. This includes how we have used funding for specific groups of students and how our students have fared in different areas of the curriculum.

These reports do not take into account that we are a special school and that our students have significant learning difficulties, hence the 0% figures in the tables further down this page. Because of our admissions criteria, none of our students achieve the standards expected of their peers in a mainstream school and progress is such a personal thing in a special school that it would not be meaningful for us to provide a figure which showed average progress between Key Stages.

We do not report a Progress 8 or Attainment 8 score as our learners will have been disapplied from SATs, which are used as a baseline. None of our students will enter or achieve the English Baccalaureate and none are likely to achieve a GCSE grade 5 or above in English or Mathematics. Most of our students do gain qualifications in accredited courses that we have selected to meet their needs and abilities. Please look at the different Pathways here to learn more about qualifications our students work towards.

We have developed our own assessment systems for each of our Pathways and these allow us to track individual progress in a way that ensures each pupil achieves the best possible outcomes for them. We assess progress against EHCP outcomes as well as against our curriculum targets. We are proud to say that almost all of our students make good or better individual progress from their starting points. 

Pupil Progress 23/24

We are continually assessing, capturing and reviewing pupil progress each day. Teachers report on it at three points across the year. Where progress is "below expected", we reflect on the reasons why this is the case and take appropriate action.

Progress against EHCP Outcomes

 Area (number of students)

Below Expected (%)


As Expected (%)


Above Expected (%)


Whole school (123)

9.76 (12)

86.99 (107)

3.25 (4)

LINC (14)

7.14 (1)

92.86 (13)


Blue Pathway inc LINC (10)

20.00 (2)

70.00 (7)

10.00 (1)

Green Pathway inc LINC (87)

4.60 (4)

94.25 (82)

1.15 (1)

Yellow Pathway (40)

17.50 (7)

77.5 (31)

5.00 (2)

FSM (41)

14.63 (6)

82.93 (34)

2.44 (1)

PP (45)

11.11 (5)

86.67 (39)

2.22 (1)

CiC/FCiC (12)

33.33 (4)

58.33 (7)

8.33 (1)


Progress against Pathway Targets

 Area (number of students)

Below Expected %


As Expected %


Above Expected %


Whole school (123)

11.38 (14)


3.25 (4)

LINC (14)

7.14 (1)

92.86 (13)


Blue Pathway inc LINC (10)

20.00 (2)

80.00 (8)


Green Pathway inc LINC (87)

6.69 (6)

90.80 (79)

2.23 (2)

Yellow Pathway (40)

17.5 (7)

77.5 (31)

5.00 (2)

FSM (41)

14.63 (6)

80.49 (33)

4.88 (2)

PP (45)

11.11 (5)

84.44 (38)

4.44 (2)

CiC/FCiC (12)

33.33 (4)

66.67 (8)



Leavers' Destinations 23/24

Intended Destination

Number of Students

Social Care Provision


Cambridge Regional College


College of West Anglia


LINC 19-25




Total Number of Leavers



Reporting Information

Updated: 27/11/2023 26 KB
This document gives some information on Sports Premium and how we use it
Updated: 13/01/2025 31 KB
This document gives some background on Pupil Premium funding and how we use it


Key Stage 2 results

For information on our Key Stage Two and Key Stage Four results and details of our school performance tables as held by the Department for Education please use the following link: Performance Data

% of pupils who have achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths  0%
Average progress that students have made in reading between KS1 and KS2 n/a
Average progress that students have made in writing between KS1 and KS2 n/a
Average progress that students have made in maths between KS1 and KS2 n/a
% of pupils who have achieved a higher standard in reading, writing and maths 0%
Pupils average score in the reading test n/a
Pupils average score in the maths test n/a


Key Stage 4 results 

Our school's Progress 8 score n/a
Our school's Attainment 8 score n/a
% of pupils who achieved a grade 5 or above in English and Maths at the end of KS4  0%
% of pupils entered for the English Baccalaureate 0%
% pupils who achieved the English Baccalaureate 0%


Key Stage 5 results 

Post 16 Value Added scores n/a
% of students starting Yr 12 who completed course  100%